Orangutan Jigsaw Puzzle

Orangutan Jigsaw Puzzle

In the jigsaw puzzle picture, you can feel the intelligence in the eyes of the orangutan. Most apes are intelligent, but most apes are also quite aggressive. The orangutans are possibly the most gentle of all great apes. Mothers and babies form very close relationships that can last for seven years or more. Male orangutans tend to stay out of each other’s way rather than fight. They are also known to sometimes form close relationships outside of their own species. Orangutans can still fight when they need to, and have the strength of about six or more grown men. The fact that they rarely use their great strength aggressively makes them more admirable. Such a marvelous species is worth preserving.

This puzzle has been completed ...... times.

Jigsaw puzzle subject image credit: Special thanks to Rusty Boxcars for making the photograph used for this jigsaw puzzle available through the Creative Commons Attribution ShareALike license. Visit Rusty Boxcars's Flickr photostream.

See all jigsaw puzzles based on Rusty Boxcars's photographs.

Category: Primates