Saint Vincent De Paul Jigsaw Puzzle

Saint Vincent De Paul Jigsaw Puzzle

The church Saint-Vincent de Paul of Marseille, France, featured in this jigsaw puzzle, is also called the “reform church”. This is because it stands on the site of the former Augustine Reform Monks monastery. This church is presently undergoing renovation because the building and the interior decoration were not completed. The church’s Gothic design was created by architect F. Reybaud and the building was constructed in the late 1800s.

This puzzle has been completed ...... times.

Jigsaw puzzle subject image credit: Special thanks to Chloé Ophelié for making the photograph used for this jigsaw puzzle available through the Creative Commons Attribution ShareALike license. Visit Chloé Ophelié's Flickr photostream.

See all jigsaw puzzles based on Chloé Ophelié's photographs.

Category: Churches